Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Massage Therapy

In our Alpharetta Massage Therapy practice we normally treat discomfort from numerous syndromes such as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Like several painful conditions, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome responds well to massage therapy and chiropractic.

What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?

Though many men and women with this condition feel they may have just "slept wrong" and awakened with a numb hand, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome may be the name given to a group of painful nerve impingement conditions in which the nerve bundle to the arm (brachial plexus) is placed below abnormal pressure by the muscles inside the front on the neck (scalenes), by the collar bone and rib, or the pectoralis minor muscle in the upper chest. Probably the most popular symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome are pain and numbness within the arm and hand from the affected side; on the other hand, individuals who suffer from this situation may only have pain or only numbness. 
In some instances, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome might also cause a restriction of blood flow. The majority of the time the signs and symptoms are on 1 side, but may affect both sides in some instances.

What causes Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?

There are a few causes for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome like whiplash injuries from car accidents and sports injuries. Postural concerns, such as a forward head posture like that maintained by office workers and laptop users, may also trigger the onset of this syndrome. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome might also be the result of over stressing the muscles in the thoracic outlet region during workout, or by impact injuries towards the shoulder or upper chest location. Moreover, even though it is actually rare, a "cervical rib" could be the blame for this condition.

Massage Therapy and Bodywork for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

There are many approaches that massage therapists and chiropractors might utilize to treat Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.  For example, the massage therapist could use Neuromuscular Therapy or Trigger Point Therapy to release myofascial trigger points in the scalene muscles as well as other muscles of your front of your neck. The massage therapist could also use Myofascial Release methods or Deep Tissue Massage to release fascial adhesions in the location of the thoracic outlet and surrounding tissues as well as working with Muscle Energy techniques to gently lengthen the scalene muscles and other affected neck, chest, and shoulder muscles. In addition to working on the scalene muscles and pectoralis minor muscle it might be essential to give therapy for other muscles adjacent to, or opposing the scalenes or pectoralis minor muscle to improve muscular balance. Therapy for postural problems might also be needed. Using a home system of stretching and physical exercise helps to resolve Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.

Other Names for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

1) Anterior Scalene Syndrome;

2) Costoclavicular Syndrome;

3) Pectoralis Minor Syndrome;

4) Thoracic Inlet Syndrome

Visit for more info about our massage therapy and chiropractic practice. Give us a call at (678) 240 0049 and find out how we can help you resolve Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.